Back from Canada, Eh?
So the Canadian cruise was very foggy. Like can't see 50 feet past the ship foggy. It was like in King Kong when they are approaching Skull Island. But Canada is a lot friendlier than skull island. We took the strangest brewery tour for Alexander Keith's brewery. It felt like a brewery tour in Disney World. They had actors in costume taking us through elaborate sets and showed us a video with really high production values. They also took us down into the basement tavern and made us dance and sing songs with them as we all enjoyed mister Alexander Keith's fine ale. Proper thing. Then we played old timey games before being lead through a tunnel into the gift shop. It was strange but really fun.
We also took a jet boat ride through the rapids at the reversing falls in New Brunswick. It is a natural wonder where the direction of the waterfall changes during the day. It is very odd. Water should move that way. It is because of the mouth of the Bay of Fundy is very narrow and the river has a hard time equaling out with the tide changes. So the water acts crazy. And we took a jet boat ride driving by a crazy man through it all. It was tons of fun. It was a good time over all. Cruising is the the way to go with a big group like ours. It was so relaxing now its time to get back to the grind.