One of the last things we did before the weather turned bad was to tear down the rotting trim boards, repaint the front of the house and put up new trim boards.

There was much discussion on how the boards should be arranged on the front side.

The new front side freshly painted and trimmed. Keli keeps both the garden and Noah maintained.

The previous owners had laid plastic with rocks on top all around the backside of the house and patio. This caused huge pools of water to accumulate along the foundation. So we dug a huge trench, laid drain pipe and connected it to to city's drains as instructed by an engineer from the city.

Anytime it rained our backyard would fill with water. There were patches where it would never dry. We had about seven frogs living in our backyard when we moved in. Here we are drilling huge holes in the ground to act as french wells to help deal with the water.
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